Village of Marshall Comprehensive Plan
The Village of Marshall Comprehensive Plan is a guide that elected officials, staff and residents should use to direct and manage growth and redevelopment. The Comprehensive Plan is a long-range policy document encompassing community goals and policies, land use and transportation planning, and the staging of growth through urban service area planning.
Village of Marshall Tax Increment District # 2 Project Plan
The Village has a history of successful economic development programming using Tax Incremental Financing (“TIF”) by providing public improvements to encourage and promote industrial, commercial and residential development and redevelopment. The goal is to increase the tax base, to provide for and preserve employment opportunities within the Village, and to create and enhance tourism opportunities with the area and region. The Village works with developers and property owners to provide infrastructure improvements and/or cash grants as incentives for development and/or redevelopment. Residential infrastructure will be developer financed; Village owned property improvements will be financed by TIF increments.
Village of Marshall Highway 19 Corridor Redevelopment Plan
The Village desires to redevelop underutilized properties along Highway 19 to improve property aesthetics, increase property values, increase employment opportunities, increase and diversify retail and service business, and to improve housing.
Community Economic Development Stategic Plan 2019-2020
As part of the Marshall’s efforts to work more strategically, Cedar Corporation led the community through a series of facilitated community meetings to address the following questions: What does the Village of Marshall have to offer residents, businesses, and visitors? Where should we be going as a community? How do we get there? The strategic plan provides responses to these questions and a detailed work plan for economic development in the Village.