Candidate Information

 Local Offices are elected in the Spring Election. (First Tuesday in April)

Village President - 3 year term (next election for this office will be in 2024)

Village Trustee - 3 year term (Each year two (2) Trustees are elected)

Municipal Judge - 4 year term (next election for this office will be in 2024)

  • All Municipal Offices are nonpartisan offices; Candidates are elected at large 

 Candidate Qualifications

  • Candidates must be 18 years of age or older and be a qualified elector of the Village.
  • Candidates must actually be residing in the Village of the time of the election.
  • A qualified elector is defined in Wis. Stats. 6.02 as a U.S. citizen, 18 years of age or older, who has resided in the election district for at least 28 days before an election at which he or she offers to vote and who is not disqualified by virtue of one or more of the impediments as described in Wis. Stats. 6.03.
  • Also note:  No person may hold state or local elected office in Wisconsin if the person has been convicted of a felony in any court in the United States unless the person has been pardoned of the conviction. Additionally, no person may have his or her name placed on the ballot for any state or local elective office in Wisconsin if the person has been convicted of a felony in any court of the United States unless the person has been pardoned of the conviction.

Running For Municipal Office

Any person desiring to run for municipal office must file papers with the Village Clerk. Candidates should make sure they are aware of filing deadlines. IF DEADLINES ARE MISSED, THE CANDIDATE'S NAME MAY NOT APPEAR ON THE BALLOT.

All Candidates should submit the following to the Village Clerk when running for Municipal Office:

  • Candidates must circulate and submit Nomination Papers for Nonpartisan Office (Form EL-169). A Candidate must obtain 20-100 signatures from eligible voters who reside in the Village of Marshall to be nominated for the office.
  • Declaration of Candidacy (Form EL-162) This form should be filed with the Village Clerk as soon as the Candidate decides to run for office.
  • Campaign Registration Statement (CF-1)
  • State of Economic Interests (Form (Form ETH-1) This form only needs to be filled out by Municipal Judges.

*Candidates can obtain more detailed information on running for office, laws and forms by clicking here.

*Candidates should determine if they are required to make financial disclosure reports. This determination should be made at the point he/she forms the intent to become a candidate and before circulating nomination papers, receiving contributions, or spending money on the campaign.