Chipping/Brush - East of Hubbell Street


Brush Collection (collection will begin April 5 and runs through October 25, 2023).
Chipping and brush collection (weather depending) falls on Wednesday April 5 and runs through October 25. The area East of Hubbell Street will be chipped on April 5 and every other Wednesday thereafter.  The area West of Hubbell Street will be chipped on April 12 and every other Wednesday thereafter.  Chipping will continue in this pattern, alternating sides of the Village from week to week until October 25.  For other yard waste disposal instructions, see the below information.


Brush includes any firewood that is under 6" inches in diameter, such as twigs, bushes, tree branches and small trees. (Wood over 6" in diameter is considered firewood and will not be collected.)

  •  Place brush at the curb by 7:00am on collection day
  •  Lengths under 4 feet, and/or less than 1/2 inch or smaller, shall be placed in barrels.
  •  Lengths over 4 feet are to be neatly stacked with the blunt ends facing the street. (Longer lengths are preferred.)
  • To control costs, chipping is limited to 10 minutes at any individual property.

Last updated 5/26/2023 7:48:09 AM