Marshall Sno-Drifter's Snowmobile Club

Club Meetings held the second Tuesday of the month - September through March.   Check out our Facebook page for meeting locations and times.

Meetings are at 7:00 p.m. at the American Legion Building, 279 American Legion Circle, Marshall.


To ride a snowmobile on the Wisconsin Snowmobile trail system you need a trail pass.  Join your local snowmobile club to get a discounted trail pass.

Local snowmobile clubs are responsible for grooming their system trails, installing the trails, removing trails, and having all the equipment to do all this work.  

Volunteers are always needed to help with the trail system and fundraising.

Come and join our family of Snowmobilers. 



Website Marshall Sno-Drifters Snowmobile Club
AWSC website Association of Wisconsin Snowmobile Clubs