Records Requests

Please fill out the records request form as accurately and specifically as you can. Once you submit your request it will be processed and depending if the case is pending it could take several days to fill your request.

Police reports are public record and can be purchased (25 cents per page).  You may send a request in writing to:  Marshall Police Department, 130 South Pardee Street, P.O. Box 540, Marshall, WI  53559.  Include your name, address, phone number, and the date and description of the police record that you are requesting.  You can also come to the Marshall Police Department and fill out a report request form, or download the attachment below.

In accordance with Attorney General regulations, the Marshall Police Department has 10 business days to honor your request.  The Police Department will, of course, attempt to fill your request as soon as possible.

You will be notified of any circumstance that would delay the process beyond the 10 business days.   

* - denotes required field