The Plan Commission and Village Board of the Village of Marshall will meet on Tuesday, March 11, 2025 at 7:00 p.m., in the Municipal Building, 130 S. Pardee Street, to conduct a public hearings and obtain public comments on the following matters:
- A petition to rezone property currently addressed at 510 Waterloo Road (parts of Dane County Parcel #s 081211390011 and 081211385011) to a combination of the R-2 Two-Family Residential, R-M Multi-Family Residential, and P-R Park and Recreation zoning districts. The proposed arrangement of such zoning districts are per a proposed rezoning map available on the Village’s website at www.marshall-wi.com. If approved, such rezoning would facilitate lot line adjustments proposed within the final plat for the Maunesha Myles residential development, reconfiguring lands previously approved for R-2, R-M, and P-R zoning in a different arrangement near the southwest corner of that development.
- A petition to amend municipal code Title 6, Chapter 2 (Streets and Sidewalks); Title 13, Chapter 1 (Zoning Code); and Title 14, Chapter 1 (Subdivision Regulations) to facilitate new residential development.
Additional materials related to the above petitions can be obtained at the Village Clerk’s office at 130 S. Pardee Street during office hours or viewed on the Village’s website at www.marshall-wi.com. Interested parties are requested to attend these hearings and give their input. After the hearing and consideration of the above petitions, the Plan Commission will make recommendations to the Village Board and the Village Board will take action.
Michael Wetzel
Village Clerk